Monday, March 28, 2016

Memories erased...Thought series...

There were times when harsh words flowed to and from...

There were times tears flowed from one's eyes...
There were times when anger consumed us....

There were times both of us wondered why did we bother...
There were times when angered vested in our minds...,
There were times, life kicked us so hard in our backside, neighbor one of us was left standing...
There were times, we both lost our direction, our faith....
There was a time when love constantly flowed through our hearts and made everything in our life a constant

And when we realized that and reconnected our love, our faith, love conquered all our problems, while erasing all the doubt, from the shadows of our minds....

© 1ManView


  1. Good to dear week ...
    Lioness wild bjs !!

  2. Beijos e uma ótima semana

  3. Going to wish you a beautiful week, overflowing with good things in "all" way !!!

    1,000 Beijinhos Lioness
