Sunday, August 22, 2021

Love note: Pink slip

Carol awakens. As usual, her spouse was up and gone to work when she dragged herself out of bed. Carol saw a bright pink piece of paper hanging from her dresser mirror when she raised her head. Sleepily Carol walked up to it and read it.

Carol, I woke up early this morning, and all I desired to do was watch you sleep. I  watched the way morning rays of the sun tenderly embrace your unclothed flesh inch by inch. An embrace that made me envious because I can not touch your flesh with the same softness. I watched the way you reached out for my body's warm comfort, but after realizing I was no longer next to you, my eyes witness a frown appear on your face. Then you balled up into the fetal position, which made you feel safe and warm.

Without a sound, I walked to the bed and softly stroked your forehead, then watched your body reacted to my loving touch. A reaction that made your body spread open as if it was warming from the inside out. It was a reaction that made me realize how much you love me and miss me when I am not at your side. 

I had to fight the urge to wake you and take you into my arms, then kiss away all of your fears, all of any pain you might have. But I love you so much I knew one kiss would not be efficient enough to withhold the passion I have for you within me. So I let my eyes keep watching. 

Watching the soft breathes your lungs took while you slept. Watch your body's soft curves that have not changed much even after years have passed you by and the stress it bored, bearing our two children.

 I so wanted to be here when you first open those light brown eyes and watch the rays of the sun dance in them. Then climb back into the bed and hold you tight in the firm hungry embrace of my arms. Then go back to sleep so I could wake up with you still in place inside my arms.

Sweetheart, it is time for me to leave, but before I do, I want you to know I will be thinking of you every minute, every second of this day. And when I return home, I want you to have many warm kisses, waiting in anticipation of embracing my expecting lips.

With all my love,                                                                                              Simply                                                                                                                                                       PJ


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