Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Ponder prose poem .. Thought series

Quietly I sit in my chair
Eyes searching out the front window
They watch the snow slowly come down
Painting everything in a coat of winter white
People walking fast as they can through the snow
Cars speeding down the slippery icy road
All in a rush do something they can do three minutes later
 I sit and ponder
Why is this world in such a rush these days?
We eat faster
We drive faster
We fly faster
We grow food faster
We pollute our waters faster
We play games that play faster
We text faster
We talk faster in conversations that's far less meaningful...
Our kids try to grow up faster
And when they get there, they realize not only what they gave up to get there in a rush
But also, they can not go back and get a chance for a do over
To me as the world become faster, we as humans regress
We don't take the time to enjoy life because we are too busy trying to rush to get the next best thing by  passing up the real wonders of the world that God has given Us...


Sunday, February 2, 2020

Quiet thoughts . Thought series .. prose poem

Silent thoughts
Make a silent world
That enhance silence words
That coral motions to a still
That succor a relationship
To a silent death...
