Thursday, May 20, 2010

Simply ........... Prose Poem

Distant look, sat on my face as we approached each other,

A hand rises up and stopped my body steps in mid stride...

Her body steps into mines,

Arms slowly wrapped around me tightly...

The warmth of her nose,

Nuzzles into the side of my neck...

The warmth of her breathe,

Gently flows past my ear...

As my arms returns her tight embrace,

Fingertips walk lightly on the nape of my neck...

As she takes a step backwards, her eyes looked deep into mines,

A smile crosses her face and she steps away...

My eyes followed her every step,

As she quietly walks away,

But my soul felt her love stay....


  1. Um mundo colorido...
    um mundo feliz...
    um mundo cheio de paz...
    um mundo cheio de afeto...
    um mundo cheio de serenidade...
    um mundo cheio de esperança...
    e um dia cheio de alegrias!
    Passei para colorir, aquecer e alegrar
    um pouco mais seu coração!
    beijocas e um lindo, lindo dia
