Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Killing Me Softly ... Prose Poem

Big brown eyes look profoundly into mines,

Seemly talking to me...

Fingertips strum slowly and gingerly through my hair,

They trace my ear lobe,

My jaw line,

They ease across the soft definition of my cheekbones,

Then cupped my face with a firm,

But soft warm embrace...

His head tilts to the right as it moved forward,

Eyes close,

His lips parts,

Just before they consumed mines completely...

As our lips softly embrace,

The softness of his breath flows across my face,

The taste of his lips enter my mouth,

And lingers on my tongue....

Knees buckled

Arms weaken

Mind starts to spin,

As I feel the taste of him,

Flow through my veins,

Enter the doorway to my heart,

Then close the door quickly behind it...

While lips embrace deeper,

He kills me softly,

With just the taste of his genteel kisses....


  1. WOW This is so sweet and sensual. Love it!

  2. Dulce, Thank you, your comments are very appreciated...

  3. Se te derem mil motivos para chorar,
    Mostre a eles que você têm mil e um motivos para sorrir!
    Tudo na vida têm os dois lados da moeda.
    Um dia choramos ... Outro dia sorrimos!
    Um dia perdemos ... Outro dia ganhamos!
    Mas pelo menos viva aquele momento!
    Ou fique apenas observando a vida passar!

    Um bom dia para si
    O tempo não para, a escolha é sua!

  4. Sencillamente Besar...!!!
    Mejor expresado imposible.
    Mis respetos y felicitaciones
    Verdaderamente hermoso pasar por aqui e impregnarse de tantos deseos, de tantas ganas

    Besos mil


  5. Já me tentaram matar calmamente, resisti e aqui estou junto com linda mentira na minha mente em forma de prazer.

  6. Lovely, Nada de errado com a mente no prazer ..

