Sunday, June 28, 2020

Missing you .... Pandemic poem

Window shade entirely pulled down
Curtains not drawn back
Eyes open to a new day of darkness

My hand reaches over to caress the softness of your flesh.
To follow the definitions of your body.
But all that my fingertips touch, was a memory of the past.

Just like a thought flowing down memory lane
Tears flow down the side of my cheeks.
Following the path, it has followed since the second you left me.

It was sudden, as a ragging thunderstorm turning the blue sky black.
One day a dry cough, a week later, you were a memory forever itched inside my consciousness.
It was not a suffocating ordeal that lasted for weeks or a month
It was as quick as a heartbeat inside my chest.
Now I lay in the darkness of the room crying from missing you.
Crying because you are no longer by my side to share the wonders of life with me

You were a person that was funny and bright.
With a soul that was so full of God-given life
A person whom I had planned to live an eternity with while sharing the optimum of being loved by someone dear
Who would have guessed, death was lingering so near?

I shall never forget you nor the love we shared
Because every morning that my eyes open, the memory of you will be everywhere
A love that is a mainstay forever within my heart
A love that will not stop
Even when the day, my weeping tears, shall no longer drop
My heart will miss you... 


I wrote this poem in thoughts of all that has lost a loved one to the Pandemic
A prayer was said for all.

Peace and love
Using common sense will help keep you safe... 


  1. Escribiste un bello poema de amor, un sentimiento sublime imposible de olvidar quedará siempre grabado en el corazón.
    Es muy lindo tu propósito. Te dejo un beso

  2. Me gustan mucho las ilustraciones, son muy buenas!!

  3. Tu poema es intenso y hay una bella tristeza en tus letras. Fuerte pero tan real.. Beso.

    1. Muchas gracias Hanna. El masaje que estaba tratando de decir parece estar ahí por la forma en que comentaste. Pido disculpas por la demora en responder. Los comentarios no estaban aquí un día, luego aparecieron al siguiente. Gracias de nuevo

      Un beso 🌹
      Y un abrazo
